Why Legacy Security Isn't Enough
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Security and Compliance
Proceedings ,
SHARE in Boston 2013 ,
Today’s zEnterprise system security professionals face real-world circumstances and threats that require agility in the application of security that cannot be easily implemented or supported by Legacy Security. The functions provided by your External Security Manager (ESM) are required, absolute and unmatched for securing, granting and/or denying user and/or application access to system data, resources and commands.
Consider the areas that need to be structured correctly to ensure air-tight security. Some components of z/OS do not connect directly to ESM databases while others do. The presenter will focus on the IODF, HMC, Crypto Functions, Key Management, Policy Management, and Member Level z/OS Configuration Control. The differences required to secure many disparate entities speaks to a need for the collection and reporting of configuration event detail beyond that supported by Legacy Systems, the System Management Facility (SMF) and conventional Change Management Processes. Paul Robichaux NewEra Software, Inc.
Paul Robichaux , NewEra Software, Inc.
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